An an advisor, investor, and educator, I partner with leaders to understand, prepare for, and navigate the myriad complexities they face.

In all pursuits, I strive for clarity, excellence, and virtue through intentional learning, practice, and connection.

Energized by competition, reflection, and discovery, I find joy in games, books, travel, and conversations—balanced with nature and exploration.

Gratefully rooted in Vancouver, BC.

i offer coaching for:

  • Critical Thinking Frameworks and Techniques

  • Intentional, Disciplined, and Actionable Goal Setting

  • Effective Negotiation via Positioning and Communication

  • Leadership and Influence Skills Development

I advise organizations on:

  • Vision: Purpose, Strategy, Business Model, KPIs

  • Culture: Communication, Decisioning, Accountability

  • Systems: Processes, Workflows, Learning Loops

  • Growth: Channels, Campaigns, Funnels, Pacing