For me, the selfless spirit of service and support for others is an essential part of who I am, always at the forefront no matter what I have committed to.

This characteristic probably results from two facets of my upbringing. First, I was raised in an immigrant community where individuals and families went out of their way to support one another. Second, I attended schools which strongly advocated for respect, kindness, and community service in order to combat discrimination, isolation, and violence.

Community service has helped me discover and develop countless life skills, including: selflessness, empathy, teamwork, gratitude, communication, problem-solving and civic engagement. 

Update on May 31, 2018: as life happens and different priorities compete for limited time in the day, I have decided to consolidate my community service under the umbrella of the Kiwanis Club of Vancouver. Our local chapter has been serving Vancouver's community since January 1919, supporting causes focused on children. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me via LinkedIn for community sponsorship inquiries!


Updated: September 18, 2018 -- latest on my LinkedIn profile