Guest Content

Burden of Leadership - The Other Side of Layoffs

Burden of Leadership - The Other Side of Layoffs

This post is a follow-up to an earlier blog post, The Burden of Leadership. A lot of people have recently been laid off around BC, and being a friend to some people in this position, I've acted as a shoulder to lean on and an active listener for them to talk through their thinking. 

It's a crappy situation all around, and definitely a terrible experience for the period following in life for those who are laid off. That said, I've come across an article that offered another perspective that I'd like to point out. Please see below for an excerpt from an article by Karen Althen, titled What 1,700 laid-off Target employees can learn (from someone who was downsized by the company 6 years ago)originally posted on BizJournal

Hire good people, and leave them alone

Hire good people, and leave them alone

Past Joshua made note of some book excerpts. Can't remember why... but I'm typing them out here in case I remember, then Future Joshua can write the blog post he intended to :) 

Edit: ohhh, these are from Drive, by Daniel Pink (link below)


A startup engineer must be all things -- he (or she) is a full time software developer and part time product manager/customer support guru/internal systems maven. As a company grows, an engineer spends less time building the things he personally wants in the product. Our hope is that 20% time gives engineers back dedicated stack time -- of their own direction -- to spend on product innovation, features, plugins, fixes or additions that they think are the most important…

Making tough choices

Making tough choices

What's up?

In the beginning of February, I announced that I would begin a search to find the next chapter of my journey. The most important part to me is finding the right organizational values, direction, and fit. Secondary to that would be getting my bum in the right role, which I see as a matter of growing into from within. 

How you doin?

It has been 45 days since this search began...

Perspective on the "Friendzone"

Perspective on the "Friendzone"

This is a re-post for an answer by Franklin Veaux to a question on the site, Quora. I'm sharing this because it provides a perspective that people often do not consider. Food for thought.

Original Question: "Why does a girl I like keep sending me random texts even after she friendzoned me?"

Franklin's Response: "Because she's treating you like a friend. Friends talk to each other…

Friday Five: Food For Thought (24)

Happy Friday!


Photo by me. It's good to enjoy some wine with your meal :) 

Friday Five: Food For Thought (20)

Happy Friday!


Photo by me. Hella watermelon, because watermelons are awesome!