Perspective on the "Friendzone"

This is a re-post for an answer by Franklin Veaux to a question on the site, Quora. I'm sharing this because it provides a perspective that people often do not consider. Food for thought.


Original Question

"Why does a girl I like keep sending me random texts even after she friendzoned me?"


Franklin's Response

"Because she's treating you like a friend. Friends talk to each other.

She didn't friendzone you. You girlfriendzoned her. You decided you wanted her to be your girlfriend, and discovered that she didn't feel the same way.

She is treating you like people treat their friends. But because you girlfriendzoned her, you're having trouble seeing that."


A personal note: this answer would apply in the reverse situation as well, replacing the term "girlfriendzoned" with "boyfriendzoned." 

