On Actions and Words

On Actions and Words

This will be a very short post, and it's mostly my thinking around a puzzle-me-this notion. 

I've recently encountered a number of situations where people acted highly irrationally. In some cases, their behaviour was very clearly against their own self-interest. The behaviour, if continued, would negatively impact their lives in a significant way. And the thing is, most of the time they know this is the case and can't take the steps to remedy their situation. 

To what extent does an individual's surroundings influence their judgment? How long is enough for a person to wallow in their misery? How can an external party impact the person who's struggling? What is getting in the way of the individual taking steps to make a change?

The Charity Fund

The Charity Fund
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.

- Princess Diana

The above quote by Princess Diana beautifully captures a core facet of how I live life. In this post, I will share with you a personal practice I've named the "Charity Fund," which is an important part of my philanthropic pursuit.

Memorable Advice I've received

Memorable Advice I've received

The benefit of having amazing mentors, colleagues, and conversation partners has been an absolute blessing in my life. Recently, I've taken the time to do some deep-dive reflection exercises and realized how much crazy good advice I received from these people so far in my journey.

I'm sharing some of the advice* to pay it forward, in hopes that it will contribute positively to your life, love, business, and other pursuits.

Friday Five: Food For Thought (6)

Friday Five: Food For Thought (6)

Happy Friday! 

Thought-Provoking 'Dinner Table' Talks

Thought-Provoking 'Dinner Table' Talks

Last summer, inspired by the incredible range of topics explored in depth on the Wait But Why (WBW) site, I wanted to start a local, personalized instance of 'Dinner Table'. The plan was to have a 4-hour get together every week with 5-6 people in a private space. At this gathering, we would enjoy a home-cooked meal, discuss a single topic (pre-arranged and agreed on by participants), transcribe the conversation into a summarized post, and then share the post to serve as thinking fodder.

In the end, the level of involvement required to arrange guests, topics, and logistics turned out to be too much for me to take on given my then circumstances. What ended up coming to life was a scaled-down version of this, where people got together weekly at a set location, at a stupidly early hour of the morning, and on a drop-in basis, to share in conversation about whatever they fancied. Throughout the four months of summer sunshine we had in Vancouver, we got together and enjoyed some really great conversations.