Tips To Become An Excel Ninja

Tips To Become An Excel Ninja
To efficiently operate a computer, using only the keyboard.

This was a goal I pursued for the first few years in my early 20s, during my then-search for high levels of personal efficiency. During this earlier phase of my life, I often evaluated software based on whether they had hotkeys (i.e. keyboard shortcuts) available. Along the way, I learned some tricks for navigating the programs I used most often, including a local version of Microsoft Excel.

This post is to share some of the hotkeys I found helpful. As more come to mind, I will include them here :) feel free to bookmark this page if you find it helpful!

Friday Five: Food For Thought (4)

Happy Friday!


Photo by me. Grilled cheese sandwich with side green salad.

Quotes 2.0

Quotes 2.0

Following my previous post about quotes that have inspired me along the way (up to Feb 18, 2016), I am putting together a new post with more quotes that I find myself relating to during my current walk of life. Will be adding to this post until it feels like it's time to draw a line in the sand again (Summer 2016 to ???).

[Rant] 'Fair competition' of liquor industry in BC

[Rant] 'Fair competition' of liquor industry in BC

Reading the commentary section in this 2015 Vancouver Sun article about public vs private competition of retail liquor stores in BC has left me absolutely livid. Between the exaltation of BC Liquor Store's supposedly efficient/effective business model and the cries of 'oh business is so bad, business people are evil', I couldn't stop myself from writing this rant post.

Note: this rant is entirely directed at wider social stigmas evidenced, rather than the specific people who wrote the linked posts/comments.


Public vs Private entities on the open market

There are so many variations on 'Competition is good, so go compete!' (e.g. "Hard to believe that somehow private stores that pay mostly minimum wage and no benefits are struggling against government run stores that pay more than minimum wage and have benefits. // Good on the employees at the government stores for being so competitive. I have no trouble with the government stores being open on holidays/Sundays and having a cold section. This actually levels the playing field.") ARE YOU SERIOUS??

How about the jobs produced? How about supporting families?…

Getting The Right People On Board

Getting The Right People On Board

Getting the right people on board (for whatever type of organization) is a topic I've been wanting to cover for a while now, either via blog or podcast. The problem is that I hadn't found a good way to put it concisely, given my tendency towards long-winded pieces. 

A friend recently lent me a copy Jim Collins' book, Good to Great, where Collins describes: (1) how companies transition from being good companies to great organizations, (2) how most companies fail to make the transition, and then (3) offers some practical suggestions to implement these ourselves. 

Joshua & Vipassana; FAQ (Part 3)

Joshua & Vipassana; FAQ (Part 3)

This is the final of three (3) posts about this experience, detailing my advice/suggestions to people who want to give Vipassana a try. If you haven't already, I suggest first taking a look at Part 1 (general overview, some logistical questions), and Part 2 (specifics about my experience before, during, and after).

My partner did it together with me; here's Part 1 and Part 2 of what she wrote.

Joshua & Vipassana; FAQ (Part 2)

Joshua & Vipassana; FAQ (Part 2)

This is the second of three (3) posts about this experience,  and it will be written in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format. If you aren't familiar with Vipassana, I suggest first taking a look at Part 1 (general overview, some logistical questions). If you find yourself interested after reading the first two posts, you can see Part 3 (advice for people who'd like to give it a go).

My partner did Vipassana together with me; here's Part 1 and Part 2 of what she wrote about her experiences.