Thoughts on Self Esteem

Self-esteem is derived from the self. Duh...

Self-esteem is not something that should be outsourced to others.

  1. People have enough trouble dealing with their own self-esteem issues, their own drama, their own everything... heaping yours on top is too much to deal with.
  2. Blaming is a manifestation of this: you are outsourcing to a boss, the economy, a relationship, past work.
  3. Understand that everything can be thought of independently. This wisdom helps one get crystal clear about the self. 


The dictionary definition for self-esteem is,

"confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect."

Think about this. Build on this.

Get better at something. Anything.

Stop comparing to others. Do it for yourself.

The only benchmark is your self of yesterday.